Simple Steps You Should Take to Get Some Help with Third Grade Homework

Homework practices are considered effective; they help students learn new material and improve their skills. Typically, the younger the child, the less amount of time he or she should spend doing homework. The widely accepted rule of ten minutes states that a student should have ten minutes of homework per day, multiplied by his or her grade level. This means that a third grader should receive no more than thirty minutes of homework daily. If your child spends more time studying at home, you should talk to the child’s teacher about whether it is possible to adjust the workload, and take some steps to help him or her deal with the homework efficiently.

Step 1: Choose a Location Where the Tasks Will Be Done

Children often cannot concentrate on their homework because they work in wrong locations. To choose the best location for your child, you should consider his or her habits and your family’s culture. Many children like doing homework at desks in their bedrooms, while others do better at dining room tables. Different distractions can influence your child, so therefore your task is to remove them and create a quiet place where he or she feels comfortable.

Step 2: Create a Homework Center

After you choose the right location for doing homework, you should fix it up as a homework center. All the materials that your child might need should be put there. If the place is also used for other purposes, such as a dining or cooking table, you should keep the supplies in a portable bin. Make sure that the center includes a monthly calendar in which your child can keep track of different assignments and school activities.

Step 3: Set a Homework Time

It is a good habit to do homework at the same time every day. The time may vary, depending on the child. In truth, it does not matter whether he or she starts doing assignments right after school or takes a break and does the homework in the evening. However, you should understand that the later it gets, the more tired your child is, and so homework is done slowly. Therefore, it is better to get it done before dinner or as early after dinner as your child can tolerate.

Step 4: Provide Necessary Support

Parents’ support is important for every child. Since you help and reward him or her for good grades, your child has more incentives to complete the homework and learn something new. If you see something go wrong; ask questions, figure out what happened, talk to your child, and try to develop a solution together.

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